If you do get a better compromise be sure to let us know!
I DID!! And it's not a compromise !
This rainbow set it is just fantastic. I can hardly imagine anybody not finding the color he/she needs, since you can overlap the gels to obtain the color you prefer.
1) I did find a better "Audi" red. There are 4 or 5 in the set, and I could also find a better one by overlapping two of them. But, even better
2) I overlapped a very light pink with on a very light blue and obtained a very peculiar purple which, on the green digits of the empeg display, produces an ALMOST PERFECT WHITE! When I say "almost perfect" I mean I "know" it is not (too few chances I get the perfect complementary color to the display green), but I can't see it! I see white!
I am now leaving for my vacation, but on my return I will post a picture because it is hard to believe what a perfect white you can get. Plus, during the day it is the most readable color I've ever had. And during the night it simply seems to be right out of Audi's factory. Really, incredible. I've got around 20 lenses/gels from Empeg, Darkstorm, Filener, plus this rainbow set, and this is by far the best match I've ever had.
3) It was, very simply, fun to try all the gels and all the combinations 
4) the transparent lenses are anti-reflective, very nice, but they do blur slightly the digits and therefore I am now using a transparent, plain, reflective lens I had.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg