Interesting, that may actually have been it.. I jumped forward a track, so it showed:
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 116:@@ N3
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 117:@@ F0x4c80
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 118:@@ TBlue Monday
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 119:@@ AOrgy
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 120:@@ GRock
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 180:@@ #4c80 0:00:00

And then reloaded emplode, deleted everything, and sync'd. No errors this time. So, now I think I'm good for go..

I find it strange that something could have done that, tho.. I mean, if I didn't have the developer image loaded, I wouldn't have know WHAT to do.. ESPICALLY with the e2fs errors - the system wasn't forcing a fsck, and it was stuck in a loop, with errors along the lines of 'block nnnnnnn past logical end of unit" errors, would caused the player to terminate and reload, starting the whole process over. If I DIDN'T have a developer image, I would have been SOL in calling support..

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper