Thanks! I enjoyed your criticisms. I wasn't really concerned with most of the things you had problems with, but I liked hearing your opinion on them nonetheless.

I agree with you on one thing, though. [SPOILERS?] After the movie was over, my first thought was "wow, that was a great movie" (not yours though), the second was "wow, the visuals were incredible."

The third, however, was "It's strange that a movie called 'Minority Report' actually had nothing to do with the minority report". I thought it was strange how they made this huge thing about the minority report, and then it was inconsequential. Odd.

But I liked the movie.

Starship Troopers is fun, but not much of a movie. I can totally see how they might have screwed the story up with that one. I just thought it was funny how my friend and I went to it thinking it was a Star Wars type space film, and the next thing we know there's gratuitous nudity and people's limbs being torn off. Also odd.