WHOA, weird.

Okay, so I have this idea. The bass notes have peaks at 32 and 64 hz. So I think to myself, what if the problem is actually at 16hz? What if it's a harmonic of 32+64 going wonky?

Well, the EQ doesn't go down to 16. But it goes down to 18. So I take one of the two unused bands, set it to 18hz, give it a fairly high Q (20.0), and start correcting downward. At -5db, the music is still distorting, sounding like it always has. At -6db, things go NUTS, the sound distorts TERRIBLY on all frequencies. At -7db to -8db, there is no output except for the occasional bit of distortion/static on the heaviest downbeats. At -10db, there is no output at all from the player.

Wonder if this is related?
Tony Fabris