OK thanks Hugo, that should be no problem to do, although I think I might wait until a board actually exists before I do anymore. I kinda jumped the gun. There is no way I am going to have time to design anything properly in the next couple of weeks.

I assume this program you mention is not for public release? If so, perhaps you could tell me what it's called and I can go ask Philips for it. They didn't seem to mind giving out the doco so maybe they won't mind with this program given the DSP is getting on a bit now. I don't have any specific frequencies though. Perhaps 40,60,80,100 and 120 will be enough for everyone? I would perhaps like to go in units of 10Hz though. The kernel space used would be so minimal.

Also why do you say "in theory"? Sounds like it's a bit dodgy.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)