The player database does not allow tag values longer than 255 chars, because there's only one byte to indicate the tag value length.

But there are some options. Currently, mp3tofid does not include the comment field into the database to save on size. So in theory, its length in the tag file should not matter. But if you ever would recreate the database using the player and/or emplode, bad things could happen.

And you also have the option to include custom tags. mp3tofid uses two custom tags: "loadfrom" to remember the location of the tune on the host PC, and "frames", an MP3 frame count. Both of these tags will not go into the database built by mp3tofid. You could create your own custom tags, and split the data like you suggested.

If you keep the tag values short enough, the player should happily stuff them into the database shoud it decide to rebuild it. But bear in mind that as the database size increases, free memory on the player decreases.
