As for the 2 drive issue - both drives in my 60GB were partitioned the same. I assume that the same image is initially on both drives, although it'd be nice to get confirmation of this from Peter or one of the other Empeg guys.

I suppose that makes sense if you're writing a tool to partition drives on the empeg -- you don't have to decide if the drive you're formatting is a primary or secondary disk. On the flip side, it means a dozen fewer songs!

Yeah, "/programs0" is....bleuch. But it is obvious, something that /usr/local is not, and I'm trying to make using 3rd party apps easier for everyone - especially those who don't necessarily know much unix/linux, as they are going to be the ones having the most trouble with it. But if someone comes up with an alternative that eveyone else prefers to /programs0 then I'll go with it.

Well, /usr/local would be obvious to linux people, at least. If not /usr/local, I'd still like to push for a "/usr/local"-looking structure within /programs0, though -- bin, lib, share. That way people could distribute their programs with an install script, or share things like font files.

It would be wonderful if apps were distributed as a tarball that looked something like this:
