Which "toggle" is that, Tony? Does "long-bottom-button" normally toggle back and forth between the visual and text INFO? Cool.

The long-bottom-button toggles between your last-selected-textmode, and your last-selected-visualmode, whatever they may have been.

For instance, if, from the menu, I select: "Info:Off" followed by "Info:Now and Next", then all subsequent long-bottom-buttons will toggle between those two modes.

My preference is to toggle between "Info:Transient" and "Info:Track". However, if one cycles through the info modes to land upon "Transient", then just by virtue of the ordering of the screens, the last selected textmode was "Now and Next" and that becomes the toggle.

Since the "Restore DC/Car Visuals" feature does precisely that (cycles through all the infomodes), then when it's done with its job, the toggle is left back at "Now and Next" instead of "Track".

If the "Restore DC/Car Visuals" used a long-bottom-button instead of a bunch of info presses to do its job, then it would always toggle back to whatever they left it on.

Of course, the IR_Translate trick that Bitt showed me accomplishes the same task, so it's not critical for me any more (except that the IR_Translate trick seems to still work only intermittently, I'm trying different values for button pacing to see if I can make it work better).
Tony Fabris