Ough... with that many pages you realy might prefer two-column usage. How much time did processing take? And more to come... oh man... how many gig HDD your Empeg have?
In the future you can expect next question: "What does that bible do in your car?" "Bible? No.. it's my music catalogue"

I do not understand your first comment (1. Anyway...section?)

The second comment: are you still talking about the table of contents stuff? You know that the TOC is generated automatically based on the formatting style of the text, so requirements in TOC are immediate vissible in the text.

About the spot for image... You might want rebuild the catalogue after adding new songs. How you cope than with the images? Just keep the initial document, re-build a new one and then copy-past from the new document into the existing one?
Another problem is that such a spot makes two-column usage more dificult to fit (results into huuuuge doc).

Thanks for input and I'm glad it worked for you. I've also submitted this version to www.RioCar.org.