Peter brings up a good point ... and expanding on that ... People have already done a player for the Rio Receiver. Surely this would be a quick jump start for us. I know of two RioReciever player apps ... Grrr and RioPlay ... I don't know much about either one, since I don't have a RioReceiver to try them out on. Neither has much documentation by my standards.

This would at the very least get a framework up with streaming mp3's. This is, of course, assuming that we wouldn't want to roll our own, simply because the current third-party software is inferior to our vaporware, blah blah blah.

What do you guys think? Start from "scratch" or try and port something that's already working?

Who was it Peter was talking about who wrote the framebuffer layer for the empeg? Can someone go into more detail as to what this does and where to get it?
