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I've been playing with FLAC for a couple of months. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. How are you all tagging flac files? I didn't see anything in the documentation on this unless you are putting it in the OGG wrapper and subsequently tagging the Ogg file with some Tagging tool.

Use metaflac to add Vorbis comments to a native FLAC file. Do "metaflac --help" to get a list of commands.

There is no tagging mechanism at the Ogg layer (the transport layer). Vorbis comments are part of the FLAC and Vorbis stream layers.


P.S. Note that metaflac can not deal with Ogg FLAC files yet, only native FLAC. I don't know of anyone using Ogg FLAC though, as its only advantage is likely to be in streaming through Ogg-aware tools.
FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec