In my case, the router works fine on our Blueyonder cable connection at home, but crashes within two minutes of being plugged into our NTL cable connection at University.

Gosh. I've just got one too, and it works fine with NTL cable here in Cambridge. (But Cambridge was a different franchise before it got borged by NTL, so maybe it's running different server kit.)

The only complaint I've got against it, is that you can't seem to configure whether the AP is inside or outside the firewall: it's always inside. And if you don't trust WEP, that's not the right answer. If you do trust WEP, I've got this lovely St John's College bridge to sell you...


PS. Oh yeah, and it wasn't $130 from, it was GBP120 from And that was a special offer down fro GBP145.

Edited by peter (30/09/2002 12:50)