yep..exactly. That is how I have my player setup to randomly play albums (with each album playing in correct order). Works fine...except for the fact that the empeg has one friggin lame randomization it always seems to bring the same common albums to the front of the list over and over...and always seems to sort others near the back.

This wouldn't be a problem if I just let the player play through them all, but what happens more often than not is it randomizes a list for me...then I hear the first song from the first album...and I go..."naw, don't want that right now". Rather than having to hit the forward button an unknown number of times to get to the next album..its just easier to hit the down button 3 times...which generates a completely new random playlist for me. then I hear the first song from the first album on this list to see whether or not its good for now...and either go with it...or 3 buttons down...

but curiously...there are a subset of albums which always seem to repeatedly come up as the first album....and some others which never do. So I keep finding myself hitting 3 buttons down and thinking "Blang durnit...I'm heard that one 4 times this week already", and hitting 3 buttons down again and again until I finally get one that MAYBE is new...or at least I'm not sick of it yet...

If they had the least often played or least recently played options for playlist randomization...then stuff would sort out the way I really want it to... Seems to be it would be a simple add to the software. A little change in the OS and a couple extra checkboxes in emplode..