I'm a little confused. Do you want to be able to sort the view by these things? You can sort the view by the current playlist order already, or is this not quite what you mean? We could sort by PIN, if we add it to the list. You can currently sort the playlist by any of the columns you can see.

My current plan (and this is in no way an official statement of what will actually happen) is to make the column listing a bit more generic, so that you can choose which columns appear in the view, making it easier to sort by more stuff.

Similarly unofficially, hopefully I'll be working on a search facility at some point soon. I'm currently in the middle of some code cleanup that'll make this easier to implement. I need searching myself - I'm currently using the mk1 that was in the A-Class until we have enough mk2's to go around the office - and there's some "S Club 7" on there that needs to be eradicated .

Rest assured, there's a whole bundle of stuff on our internal wishlist for emplode. I'm working my way down the list, slowly but surely...

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
-- roger