Also, for single folks/geeks you don't have to wait for it to fill up as you would with a normal dishwasher (to save water etc) - just do a wash whenever theres "enough" in there - ....

My Juliette joshing aside, I am totally with you on this. If I came into some serious funds and was fitting out a place, I would take 2 of these over a standard washer for all the reasons you point out. And, yes, I'd put 'em side by side up high, maybe with pan storage or trash bins below.

Think of it as a Empeg like product - its not until you have one or get to play with one for a while that you can really "get it".

I got it. Why did I alienate all of my rich uncles as a child?

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.