Ok, I have to 'fess up here and <looking for the whisper font> admit to having been the owner of a 996 turbo. With tiptronic... In my defence I would say that this was when I was living in Tokyo, a city which kind of defines the term "gridlock", and where the use of anything other than an auto box is just madness on a stick. The only time I ever got it out of second gear was when I went to track days at the ex-F1 Fuji circuit south of Tokyo. And there I was too busy hanging on to the steering wheel praying that I was going to make it through the 120 degree right hander at the end of the very long straight to be doing distracting stuff like, er, changing gear by myself.

I actually preferred the 993, and have gone back to a 993 now. Favourite car would definitely be the very last 993 Turbo S to come off the production line.

