it's going to be bad as fuck...

What exactly do you mean here. Could you please refer to the definition of fuck precisely. I mean, all the fucks I've had have been pretty good. So I can only assume that you mean it's going to be "as bad as good sex". Which is an oxymoron. Maybe you're referring to bad sex then, you know, like the sex you seem to be having with your cell mate bubba.
So is what you're really saying is "as bad as sex with my cell mate bubba". Which I imagine would be prettry freakin bad, but whatever gets you goin.
I think I might stay away from it.

From your references to inhalation of nitrous, It sounds like you're the kind of person who gets off on chroming too. how many cans do you go through in a week. It certainly seems to be affecting your judgement. Especially if you thing that this movie is going to be good like sex with bubba.

I'm also interested in your analogy of the printing press. How can a film, a piece of mass produced entertainment media, be equated to a device which revolutionised the infomation distribution for the entire world and enabled the education of all peoples?

I await your your response heartily,

ps. here troll,troll, troll

-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?