hi Tony,
If you want to go the file chopping and delivery via e-mail route...

There is a commercial product (for windows PCs only) called Mailrules developed here in New Zealand.

I've used the product and it works well.

One of the features it has is the ability to automatically zip up and send entire folders/directories (or just single files if desired).

It can automatically Triple-DES encrypt the outgoing files and will automatically chop up into smaller chunks large files and send multiple messages with automatic chunk reassembly and decryption at the recipient (any missign chunks are detected and re-requested), plus you (as sender) can get email confirmation back that the file(s) made it to the other end.

So you can get a end-to-end transparent file xfer using Email. This transfer can be "one demand" or scheduled. It can be used to do the equivlaent of auoitmating large ftp transfers just using email.

It will do sending and receiving and will poll selected folders for particular files, and when one is found, will then zip ip up and email it to the recipient using the rules you configured.

If you're interested, visit This Link for the details and a download of a 60 day trial version.

I must point out that I don't get any benefit from recommending this program - I only recommend it because its useful and sells well around the world.

But its only Windows for now.

If you do try it and like it, the guys are open to suggestions for improvements - just email them your suggestions - they may well incorporate them sooner than later.