Its good to hear that the actual display would be better, becuase the ones in the photo, are well, disappointing - not even up to Rio SXX standard.

BTW: I *love* the idea/concept that I can use it in my left hand and the display can be rotated by 90 degrees as well - not everyone in the world is right handed, and finding a concsumer elecronic product that caters for left handed people is a refeshing change. question though - does the "play/stop/rewind etc" pad rotate as well or are we lefties stuck with a different arrangement of control there?

I have question though - the article on the Pearl at ign mentions a Ethernet docking station being available [I assume its an optional extra].
Is this a 10Mb/s or 100Mb/s connection - I'd assume 100Mbs as you support USB2 with its high speed capabilities.

Also, will the Pearl be able to store files other than mp3/ogg files?
This feature would be very useful as a large portable hard disk drive ala the iPod and would be what would make me me buy one.