You know, I loved TNG, one of my favorite shows of all time. I tried to love DS9, watched something like three seasons before I had to give up on it for good. Voyager lasted a season, Enterprise lasted about 5 episodes. I blame Berman, his vision sucks.

Babylon 5 was a great show, And for most of the run I thought it was perhaps better than TNG even, but when they resolved the Shadow War in such a terrible way, I got disgusted and never went back. To this day I don't know what eventually happened.

Since then, I keep waiting for another good sci-fi show. X-files is too fantasy based, Sliders was too badly acted, Space Above and Beyond had promise, but went unfulfilled, Stargate was too silly, and I don't get the Sci-fi channel.

What happened to that new show Firefly? I saw the pilot, and it didn't suck, but I never saw any reference to it again.
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