Me> results in a four minute 'rebuilding music database'
Rob> It's a bug - it didn't do that a month ago, and all being well it won't do it on the next release.
I mentioned this in the Wish List section, Tony's reply seemed to indicate that this was normal. On re-reading that, I should have stated exactly how long this was taking. Sorry.

Are you referring to this reply?
"There should be a fairly short pause for it to rebuild the database and reload it. However, I don't know what you define as "ages". There has been a bug reported by other users where there's a long pause during synchs- about 5 minutes in one report. This is a bug or some other problem and isn't the intended behavior (i.e., it doesn't happen on mine). See if you can find one of these threads and add your report to it."

I guess I, too, should have defined "fairly short pause" as being less than 30 seconds. But I did say that it's a known bug. I guess I just wasn't clear enough that it wasn't normal behavior for a long pause to happen there.

I would say that there are also a lot of suggestions which have not been responded to at all.

You're right, a lot of the suggestions weren't responded to at all. Funny thing is, many of them simply appeared in the software without the Empeg folks saying anything about it. Others were deliberately not implemented because they didn't fit with Empeg's long term plans for the unit. Or perhaps they were good suggestions that would have taken twenty man-years to implement. Or maybe they were just bad suggestions. In those cases, I think it's easier for everyone involved if the Empeg folks don't try to spend too much time defending their choices and just keep quiet about them.

Even an automated response saying "Thanks for your report. We will look into it ASAP and we'll be in touch if we need more information from you." would be nice.

Eeew, yuck. I hate those.

Heh. It doesn't force anything on me, but I need to rethink my playlist structure a bit. I think you just proved my point.


Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris