Not very many.

But you know what? I think I'm going to close it down anyway.
I'm getting sick of people complaining about how long it is taking for their order. I know I'm taking a long time this year and that it's only been a few people but it's those few and the way they word it that stresses me out. I thought this community was more understanding than that. You know I bet that Brian doesn't get the complaints that I get and from what I hear his wait times are a year!
I do this in what spare time I get and so far this year I've had none. All because of my transmission frying and being without transportation up until a couple of weeks ago, then my computer's hard drive crashing and having to rebuild it. Cracking my damn rib which I am still recuperating from.
For me, this year sucks so far.

Then I get people going where is my order? I've waited a long time!
Damn! Don't people bother to read the board?

Is there anyone who has ordered up until the end of last year that I screwed out of there money? Because that's what some people are acting like I'm trying to do.
This is starting to be not enjoyable anymore.

Sorry. I needed to rant.

Steve DarkStorm Designs