U.S. Out Of North America!

Wow, a classic thong??? Scary! Combine (1) USOONA! Classic Thong with (1) Jim Hogan and you could sell the film rights to Wes Craven or John Carpenter.

USOONA! is just my favorite absurdist bumper sticker from the late 60s, narrowly inching out "A man without a woman is like a bicycle". At this point, though, I am pretty much decided on adopting it as the marching slogan/chant for my not-yet-formed-but-coming-any-minute-now political party, The Alienation Party (and I think I just may keep it as my sig until the Alienation Party brokers World Peace).

(Spotted last week on a Honda: "Re-elect Gore in 2004!")

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.