3. The statement in #1 is a comparison between what the U.S. is doing ("shock and awe") and what Hitler did (Blitzkrieg.)
4. QED.

OK, QED. As if I haven't portrayed what I see to be the difference, I should perhaps just shut up and let Doug address that himself if he so cares. I just think maybe I appreciate what he was saying from a "functional" perspective.

I think we need one that goes up to 11.

The one time I turned Nancy up to 11, she started to smoke.

Me:Shock and Awe will be lost on that little girl.

True only because she's dead.

Well, we can take comfort that Sarab simply died, but her little sister Yasimina lost one arm, a foot, and part of her lower jaw. Not so simple. Also not so simple the poor lance corporal who lost both legs this past weekend to a land mine.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.