From far too many emails:
How do I obtain the Hijjack source code?
What do I do with these "patch" files?

Please don't take this the wrong way -- I'm really not mean, but..

I prefer not to have to instruct in the art of applying patches
to every newcomer to Linux -- it takes too much of my time
and became more tedious after the first thousand or so.

If one were to ask about this on the BBS, I'm sure several people
who have not already answered questions like this a thousand times
or more might be able to help better. The instructions on how to apply
patches are actually in the Linux kernel source tree, as well,
but few bother to look for them there.

When I answer general queries like this is in private email,
then nobody else gets to see the answer, so I eventually get
even more of these emails. And the people who ask very basic
questions like this, generally come back with more questions
on how to install/run/tune linux, and where to find the tools
to cross-compile for the StrongARM, how to install/run them,
how to actually configure/build the Empeg kernel, how to download
it to a player and test it, etc..

I can (and do) answer all of those questions and more,
but thousands of people continuously email such questions
to me all of the time (not just for Empegs, I'm one of the original
Linux kernel developers and have been doing this for over a decade).

Now.. the answer to the original query.

The idea is to first "un-tar" the full kernel source tree,
and THEN apply the patches to that tree.

First, install Linux. I won't help with this part.

Next, download the following files from the Hijack site:

Now, un-tar the kernel source tree:

tar xjf linux-v2.00b13.tar.bz2

Then apply the patches, in sequence:

cd linux-v2.00b13
patch -p0 <../rdsfake.patch
patch -p0 <../voladj.patch
patch -p1 <../v300.hijack.v200b13.patch

Pause here to save a snapshot of the work thus far,
since any new Hijack versions will be fresh patches
to be applied to the results of the above stage:

cd ..
mv linux-v2.00b13 linux-hijack-v300
tar cvjf linux-hijack-v300.tar.bz2 linux-hijack-v300/

Now apply the current Hijack version patch (v320):

cd linux-hijack-v300
patch -p1 <../v320.hijack.v200b13.patch

Look for errors:

find . -name \*.rej

Delete any leftover copies of original files that were later patched:

find . -name \*.orig -exec rm {} \;

To actually compile and download the resulting binary to an Empeg
requires an entirely different skill/knowledge set, and again,
people on the BBS can help there.


Edited by mlord (21/03/2003 08:12)