Firstly (and I suspect mlord gets almost as many thnak yous as newbie questions, but I'll say it all the same ) a huge thanks to mlord for his great work with the hijack kernel and with generally being a nice guy (as evidenced by his frequent replies to posts here). We really do appreciate you and don't think you are at all mean.

Now a question for the BBS in general. When it comes to applying the first patch, I get:

linux-v2.00b13 $ gpatch -p1 <../rdsfake.patch
can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- arch/arm/special/empeg_rds.c.orig Wed Dec 26 14:08:15 2001
|+++ arch/arm/special/empeg_rds.c Wed Dec 26 14:18:17 2001
File to patch:

I should point out that I didn't follow mlord's instructions fully as I am using Solaris/SPARC. On my system, GNU patch is called gpatch. I'm using version 2.5.4. Are there other Solaris users out there that are successfully patching and hacking Empeg? If so, did you do anything special?
Ex-owner of stolen empeg #030102741