Penn & Teller keep getting close, but never hit the nail right on the head. I agree that the bottled water test had a certain amount of bogosity. Tap water quality varies widely depending on where you are, and on the quality of the pipes in your building. My old grad-student apartment had horribly rusted pipes. The shower had a nice orange stain around the drain. Sure 'nuff, the water tasted like crap.

The organic food bashing also pissed me off, mostly because they didn't talk about the evils of the companies making the genetically modified seed (plant it, and you don't get any seeds you can reuse for the following year) never mind the lurking time bomb of genetic monocultures and their susceptibility to hyper-specialized pests and diseases. It's an interesting question, whether the Greenpeace dude was as much of an idiot as they showed him to be, or whether they edited him into looking like an idiot.

They certainly made the anti-secondhand smoke people look far more idiotic than they actually are. It doesn't take rocket science to conclude that secondhand smoke is the same crap as first-hand smoke, which has been shown upside down and backward to be bad for your health.