I think they did a decent job debunking the Greenpeace argument that GE foods aren't tested, and showing the harmful impact on human lives their GE arguments have. The diet portion could have been much better.
I thought the exact opposite. Okay, not really. They didn't do a good job on the diet stuff, either.


But I don't think they did an even remotely good job debunking Greenpeace. They only presented a very little of Greenpeace's argument about GE foods. The thing that they didn't show is that there really is no approval for animal feed GE foods, and we eat those animals. In addition, it's pretty hard to keep that GE pollen away from the FDA-approved crops. Not to mention the times that non-approved GE crops ``accidentally'' get in human food products.

They never presented any argument that it might be okay to use GE foods in areas where there's famine, but not in areas where there's a superfluity of foods (a fact they point out repeatedly in the first half of the show about dieting), to try to minimize any potential risk. They also didn't state that there have been no long term studies to determine GE impact.

They presented Mr. Borlaug as a great humanitarian for saving a billion lives (and I'll agree that he is), but they didn't even begin to present the fact that the fact that we can't feed all of these people is because there are so many of them, and that he's simply prolonged or created those billion people's agony, along with that of their children and their children's children, etc. (I don't agree with that argument necessarily, but it's obvious and it was never touched.)

They also undercut their whole argument by saying in their closing statement that these underdeveloped countries don't have appropriate irrigation, farming equipment, or farming techniques. How about trying to fix that first instead of monkeying with genetics? It seems a very logical first step. Not to mention all the farmers in the US we pay to not grow food. Why not pay them to grow food and donate it to the famine-stricken?

But my favorite part was when they were putting words in the raw food guy's mouth. He was promoting eating raw food, and from that they take that he's against everything they're for. He ended up making some vague claim to that effect, but it sounded a lot like he was hounded into it. And that was just one instance where they equate anti-GE with organic with whatever else they felt like bashing on.

Bitt Faulk