So now that everyone is complaining so much about people with HID lights - #1: Tough and #2: What about all these people in their SUVs and stuff? I've been fooled many times thinking the oncoming vehicle's high beams were on only to find that it was some tall SUV or truck or something, the lights are that much higher and pointing right down at you.
We already had a nice, long SUV-bashing thread. I hate them, too. An SUV with HID lights is/would be the worst (I'm sure it's been done, just can't think of any examples off the top of my head.) But really, saying that because SUV's blind people, that regular cars with HID lights should also be allowed to blind people... That's not sound logic. I say more regulations should be placed on how bright regular lights can be, and whatever it is about the HID's, whether it's aiming angle, the color, the "blinkiness" or whatever, should be regulated. Not every car with HID lamps blinds me, but I'd say a good 80% of them do. To me, that points to a problem that needs to be addressed.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff