A few comments to your suggestions......

I think the standby LED should be turned off in the car. It can attract too much attention. The other night I came out to my car in someones driveway. It was pitch black out but not hard to find the car because I could actually see a green pulsing glow from the interior. Wow that's bright! A simple fix to this is to pull the empeg an inch out of the bay to cut power. Most of the time it is pulled out anyway but there are certain cases where it is not appropriate to take it with me.

I never liked the analog VU meter plugin for winamp but on the empeg it is my favorite too. Weird how one of the most simple visualizations can have such an appeal.

I find myself wanting to see the previous song on "Now and Next" also but I'm not sure if I want to give up a "next" line for it.

Alex Lear
Alex Lear