I borrowed a friends palm tonight to play around with palantir to see if I want to buy a cheap palm off ebay to use for this. I am having trouble getting it to work. I thought I followed the directions correctly but I must have done something wrong.

Here is the boot log I'm getting
hijack_exec("/bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/start_empire 10 &""), rc=0 (okay)
khttpd: listening on port 80
kftpd: listening on port 21
/bin/bash: /usr/local/bin/start_empire: Permission denied
player.cpp : 385:empeg-car 2.00 2003/04/01.
Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1434 Mar 26 2003
Vcb: 0x4086d000
Here is my /usr/local/bin directory (Which I had to create. Was I supposed to have this already?)
empeg:/empeg/bin# cd /usr/local/bin
empeg:/usr/local/bin# ls -l
total 73
-rw------- 1 0 0 35375 Mar 4 01:24 empire
-rw------- 1 0 0 22883 Jan 6 2003 irattach
-rw------- 1 0 0 12196 Mar 9 08:49 sleep
-rw------- 1 0 0 182 Mar 9 10:58 start_empire
the /lib directory (the openobex parts of it anyways)
lrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 24 Aug 5 23:27 libopenobex-1.0.so.0 ->
-rw------- 1 0 0 28796 Feb 7 06:01 libopenobex-1.0.so.0.0.0

-rw------- 1 0 0 40328 Feb 7 06:01 libopenobex.a
-rw------- 1 0 0 776 Feb 7 06:01 libopenobex.la
lrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 24 Aug 5 23:26 libopenobex.so -> libope
and finally the config.ini
;@EXEC_ONCE /drive0/var/stuff/emphatic
;@EXEC_ONCE /bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/start_empire 10 &"
I have the precompiled kernal (hijack 320) with irda support from cushman's site installed. When I try and beam a playlist to the empeg, The palm just eventually times out and says it couldn't find anything to connect to. Does anybody know why its not working for me?

Edit: After looking at this some more, I see that the property flags in my /lib directory do not mach up with the property flags in the /lib directory on cushmans site. And also, the property flags in my /usr/local/bin directory look a little fishy. But I have pretty much zero knowledge of linux (I dont even know what those property flags do) so I have no idea if that is what is causing my problems or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by kswish0 (28/04/2003 22:49)