256MB of ram

Which is very similar to the quarter of a Gb in mine

Using it as a desktop PC is not fast at all

I installed WinXP on it to see how it performed as a desktop machine and I was quite impressed. Definitely faster than the rest of my client machines (PII300 and PII366).

I think they missed a trick by only putting a single network socket on the motherboard. They would make great routers, with a small CF card to boot Linux/BSD from. I guess you can still do it by adding a PCI card, not as neat though.

I notice the TV out sucks on them. Is there any graphics card with a quality s-video signal, or do the people that say they get a decent output simply have low standards ? (like the people who can't notice the <75Hz flicker on a monitor)

I think this:


might be my next desktop machine...
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday