Let me make some clarifications.

Bose in the Audi TT only takes in 2 connections. There are only two inputs. CarToys did the installation but I checked with Audiworld (online forum for Audi folks) and that is correct. So the Empeg is plugged into the Bose with only two inputs.

Now when I drove it off CarToys like that, the Empeg sounded good, but not great. I fiddled around with the equalizer and changed it to 4-channels. Upped the bass, etc. All of a sudden, the music had "life" to it. It had its normal 3-dimensional quality. And I had no complaints.

I upgraded to version 2.0. Boom. Doesn't sound as bad as the original config, but definitely not as good.

I'm really looking for another Audi TT coupe owner to tell me how they configured their Empeg v2.0 so I can replicate.

The Bose drives all four speakers, although the ones in the back are primarily for bass (not quite subwoofers, but Bose is a bizarre system).

Four channels definitely don't stick (they might stick, but when you click Select, it shows 2 channel as highlighted). I do see 4 sets of bands though for custom 2, where I selected 4 channels.

Anyone have a TT coupe with Bose?