Since I don't own a PocketPC it's hard to code for one

The code is open source, and the server part (Empire) will accept OBEX objects from ANY device. I've left it pretty open so other people could develop apps that talk to Empire. All you need to do is create a text file named either:


(we could change the names to make it more generic later)

and within the file list the fid's you wish to append/insert/enqueue, each 8 characters long with no line breaks or spaces. A list of 8 songs would then be a 64 character string. This file is then sent over IrDA via OBEX. Many devices including the PocketPC support OBEX and all that needs to be written for it is the song selecting interface.

I have said before that if someone were to donate a PocketPC I would code Palantir for that platform (probably in Java), but right now there is no reason for me to write a PocketPC port when I have no personal stake in the matter.
Mark Cushman