I'm not sure what I think about the statement or even the context of it, however you have to remember that probably half or the U.S. and most of the armed services would have taken it as a statement of encouragement.

I would have to agree... and the reality is that Bush will win by a landslide come next election because, it seems as though there will be no better choice.

If Bush is percieved as an "idiot" as so many people proclaim then why is/will there not be anyone *better* to vote for. Every time I speak to friends that are or have been in the military they have nothing but positive things to say about the president.

Why does everyone try and be SO politically correct these days? Hell the guy from Italy can't even express his dry sense of humor without being bashed. WTF?

I say to Mr. Bush "YEAH.... COME ON!"

Edited by Jerz (03/07/2003 15:19)