I would cry too if I spelled like you. (random horn section
Bush will win by a landslide come next election because, it seems as though there will be no better choice
... for Republicans maybe... but imho any of the other candidates would be better.
Every time I speak to friends that are or have been in the military they have nothing but positive things to say about the president.
does that surprise you? Of course they do. If you are in the military and don't have faith in your Commander in Chief, then where does that leave you? Isn't one of the fundamentals you learn in the military to trust your commanders above all else?
Why does everyone try and be SO politically correct these days
I don't think it has anything to do with PCness... it's about not provoking someone even more to kill your own troops. It's disrespectful of the people over there who have to deal with sporatic surprise attacks.
|| loren ||