First, you might tell them that including some sort of test utility in the SASL distribution would be a good idea.

There's a "testsuite.c" in utils/ which appears to try the sasldb. That's probably not the best answer, since you'd have to whack out the gssapi support to use it. It does look like it includes a complete test of sasldb.

(I recognize that Cyrus is supposed to be intended for internal CMU use and the fact that they release it publically is a nicety, but the documentation still sucks.)

We have no tech writers. I suspect the results are public, so I can tell you that recently in a process we did to try to figure out what problems we had, internally, no documentation was high on that list. It sucks when you bring in new people, or when someone other than the system author needs to work on the system.

Is the proper imapd.conf option to get it to use sasldb ``sasl_pwcheck_method: sasldb'' or ``sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop'' or something else?

You want auxprop.

If it's ``auxprop'', why does it keep saying it can't find auxprop? There's no apparent way to build libauxprop.a to put into the plugins directory.

auxprop is built into libsasl2. At least, it is in the version I'm looking at.

Is there a test SASL program so that I can attempt to authenticate simply just to test to see if the sasldb is working properly at all? Running ``sasldblistusers2'' shows me the users, but I've no idea if the passwords are right.

Probably the best idea is "run saslauthd and run testsaslauthd against it". In fact, if you're running pwcheck for real, and not saslauthd, I recommend you switch. It should honor the pwcheck method.