The stereo is broken

Crap! I think I just threw my factory one away a month or so ago. If I didn't, you can have it free if you want it. I'll even drop it off at your house since I'll be in Raleigh a week from Sunday. I took my console out also, so you are welcome to the latch and hinge from it too.

EDIT: If you have a tan interior, you can have the whole console. Also, I can walk you through replacing the window and door lock switches, the door handle springs, and the fan switch, all of which I have also replaced . The various switches and stuff can be had for a few bucks each at your local GM parts dept. IIRC, the roof will cost you $125 at a top shop. I've done that one too.

Edited by Meatballman (16/07/2003 13:24)
~ John