Wednesday 30th July its National Foreplay Day !
Thursday 31st July its National Orgasm Day !
Okay, mandatory follow-ups...

Orgasm right after foreplay? Geez, I thought Brits could go a little longer than that!

Do you really need an entire day for foreplay? Wouldn't "National Foreplay Period of Three or Four Minutes" be just as good?

So if July 30 is Foreplay Day, and July 31 is Orgasm Day, shall we open up nominations for August 1? How about...
... National "Was it Good For You?" Day
... National "I Hope We Didn't Wake The Kids" Day
... National "Oh No, My Husband is Home!" Day
... National "Don't Move, Let Me Get You a Towel" Day
... National "ZzZzzZZzzzZzZZzzZZzZzzzzZzZzz" Day
- Tony C
my empeg stuff