Heavens man, where have you been, have you read none of this erudite stuff, everything from dog training, trams, trains and sexual protestations - I'm surprised that I haven't been approached to make a book of my better quotes.

Music, I've got around 900cd's and 2000 cassettes and LP's that I'm currently transferring to MP3's, I don't know what my favourites are, I'm a bluesman, but I've collected loads of other stuff over the years.
Most memorable albums of the top of my head: 1st Paul Butterfield, Ist James Brown at the Apollo, Albert Lee(Why is he not more popular), North Mississippi All Stars, Otis Blue, Jackson Brown (funnily enough), I may post more as I think of them.
I side stepped the Sting question by criticising Police: Sting, I think that he's indulged and indulgent. If he did a concept album on the life cycle of the pond newt, his record company would put it out, he's made it and can do anything he likes.
I thought after I had posted the criticism that I had only heard tracks on the radio, and that to be fair, I should get some of the stuff and listen to it, but Leeds Public Library, that fount of all knowledge, had none in stock!

Can't make that link work, but it's only my list of posts.

Edited by boxer (31/07/2003 01:21)
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag