Where have you encountered people who spew off at the mouth?

Myself... until about 15 years ago.

I was in a small office with a friend (Dann) whose knowledge and intellect I respected enormously, eavesdropping as he listened to a guy trying to impress him with how much he knew about computers. Now, Dann really did know computers, and I couldn't understand why he just sat their, looking interested and nodding his head as this... poseur... spouted nonsense so ridiculously far off base that even I (who knew virtually nothing) realized he was making a fool of himself.

Dann thanked him for the "information" and let him go, and I realized at that moment how much easier it was for all concerned to just leave him with his misconceptions, and not try to educate or embarass him.

Up until that little episode, I always felt obligated to try and correct others' misstatements, probably because in my arrogance I wanted to demonstrate how smart I was. No longer.

I might have been smart... but Dann showed me wisdom.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"