Heh. I used to work with a guy that we nicknamed "the AC" -- short for the Anti-Clue. He was (and still is) the network administrator at the company. One quick story about opening your mouth when one shouldn't, then to bed for me... I'll give a few more later...

Office admin staff had their email archived with some MS product. (Despite our best effort to persuade him otherwise, he had standardized them on MS Outlook -- we were clobbered regularly by virii.) A couple of the cuter gals there started to get the idea that he was reading their email. One day, when one had taken a day off, she sent some email to the other about how sick she was. Cold, headache, sinuses, blah, blah, blah. Of course, she was in perfectly good health, just taking a bit of a vacation. (The girl that was the recipient of the email knew all about it, of course, and didn't say a word to anyone.) Next day she was back at work, the AC asked about her health, and made some comment about sorry to hear you've been sick. The smarmy bastard. Her only response was "I haven't been sick, who told you that?"

Oops. Guess you shouldn't talk about things you've snooped in private email with the person that sent it.
