They know there are plenty of people out there to take your place.
It is truly unfortunate that employers take this view (and they do), because it simply isn't correct. Well not in the case of someone like Bitt anyway (unless I am completly underestimating his level of talent).

While I think that I'm one of the more technically compentent Unix admins around (definitely not ``most'', though), my work ethic can leave a little something to be desired. Regardless, my work gets done and the end result is usually as correct as possible.

And to expand on
only 10% of any profession is any good
it amazes me the random incompetence of people around here. There's a new guy they hired who I think mostly understands Unix, even if he's not that ... agile ... with it, but I asked him to create an SSH key pair (if you don't know what it is, it doesn't matter). His workstation happens to be Windows (at least right now), and I suggested he use PuTTY. He didn't know how to use PuTTY's keygen utility, so I helped him out with it. When the time came to enter a passphrase, I was amazed at how slow he typed. I also noticed that he had difficulty figuring out how to press key chords (Ctrl-A, etc.). Since then, I've been paying attention to other folks, and they have similar problems. Some go so far as to have problems understanding the basics of graphical UIs. It's amazing the level of incompetence that exists.
Bitt Faulk