They can't withdraw from an offer once made.
Which was almost equally as bad as the offer they retracted it for. So it's kinda pointless to play that card. I'm actually glad that they did retract it, as I guess, at least initially, I was inclined to take it in the ass rather than speak out about it. As it is, my raise went from 20% to 15% to 50%.
Vote with your feet.
  1. I really don't want to pay them money.
  2. I really don't want to deal with changing insurance companies
  3. The final outcome was reasonable.
That being said, I fully agree with your sentiment, but I have little enough free time as it is, and I don't want to spend even more of it being petty. I will (and do), however, tell everyone I know not to use them.

I am considering sending them an email detailing the fact that I did the majority of their job and that I'm generally unhappy with them. My manager's manager came to me yesterday to verify that they gave me most of the raise he gave them. He said that he gave them a $12 raise, and they gave $10 of that to me. So that in itself is a good percentage, but they're still making 40% of the total. I might talk to him about that.

I do need to let them know that I'm, at best, unimpressed with their service.

Oh, and I was to have gotten my first higher paycheck yesterday, but they screwed it up and I got paid at my former rate. They say they'll make it up in next week's check, but we'll see.
Bitt Faulk