Grr.. I wish Compaq would have better supply on iPaq's. All delivery estimates atleast to most of the Europe has been delayed multiple times, now earliest estimates sometime next month

Most stores are giving a lead time of two months. A few units manage to trickle into some stores, like Circuit City has recieved 7 in the past two weeks that got spread out to the Colorado stores.

It definitely gives much more possibilities than Palm by the CPU being 10x more efficient, having decent color display and so on.

I look at is as being a small PC compaired to the Palm being a PDA with some possibilities. By what I can see, this is how the creators worked it out. And now that one of these got to a decent size and speed, I can stand to own one, and actually enjoy it much more then my Palm V.

Though, I've always wondered why they chose 12-bit instead of 16-bit for the display

Hardware limitation of the Sony TFT they used. It's still very nice, and more useful to be able to see it in all lights including sun. Thats one of the reasons I never moved from the Palm screen until now due to the sun issues on other color handhelds.

Most probably, but I don't get the point why would you want empeg emulator on iPaq?

Probably because this thing just pulled $500 away from my budget towards a Mark II, and I sold my Mark I :-) Plus a portable empeg emulator could come in very handy right now where I could program on it, compaired to not being allowed to carry an empeg into class. I suppose a wireless CDPD modem and telnet to my home linux machine would work, or wireless LAN if my car is close enough... Now I need to get my hands on a PCMCIA adaptor.