KungFuCow, please note that you don't have to have RMM scan and build a database. It is possible to load a Karma with tunes just straight from "My Computer". There's even an icon in RMM called "My Computer" which lets you navigate to and select tunes that aren't part of the database.

On my computer, I deliberately set RMM so that it doesn't try to scan any of my MP3 folders for tunes, and then I use the My Computer button to load tunes into it.

Note that it has to scan the tags of any folders I select for loading onto the player, so there is a wait when I first hit the "synch" button with a folder selected. But in your case, you'd just have to make sure not to press that button on the parent folder, just press it on a sub-section of tunes that is more realistic.
Tony Fabris