I'm not trying to be funny, but Rob has answered your post. Assume theres to be no 40gb anytime soon.

The bbs will be one of the first places to get the information, so harrassing Rob won't do any good.

The intention of this post and it's follow-ups was never to harass. Nanook mentioned that there would be official word from DNNA Marketing with respect to the Karma 40GB as well as other information with respect to the MP3 player line. I was waiting for the 40GB Karma and finally settled for the 20GB due to the unofficial word that the 40GB was not forthcoming. At this point, I want to know if there is any plans for a play-through case and a remote control (options that I really want).

PhilipOHare, if you are stating that Rob's word is representative of DNNA Marketing and he is the official voice for such matters (I'm not sure what his duties are), I'll crawl back into my hole and stop asking for official word. I still wouild like to know what the marketing position is with respect to a case and remote.