Casual observation seems to indicate that the encoding rate in fames per second on any of the threads stays the same, whether there is one, two, three, or four threads running simultaneously

OK, so I'm an idiot.

The four windows (one for each simultaneous thread) were on the screen cascaded, and when I brought any one of the four up to the top, it would be running full speed, so I just assumed the three underneath were also running. After all, I checked each one individually, so they must all be working.

Then, I got the bright idea of spreading the cascaded windows out across the screen so I could watch all four of them simultaneously, and guess what? Only the "active window was encoding; the other three were just sitting there, occasionally getting the odd update.

I'll bet that when I cut back my simultaneous threads to just one (instead of the four I was running when I thought I was getting 4x encoding speed) will solve the problem of Lame locking up my EAC sessions as well.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"