Just hit the WAV button instead of the MP3 button. Later, to compress to mp3, go "Tools > Compress Waves" to add them to the queue. I do recommend something like RazorLame if you want more features in this 2 step method..

Well, no wonder I couldn't figure it out. Such an incredibly complex procedure is well beyond the grasp of mere mortals.

Actually, I had looked at those options, but the "Compress Waves" didn't immediately jump out at me as a way to create MP3 files. Does this procedure pass on to Lame the compression parameters defined in EAC at the time the .WAV files were created? It must do so, or it wouldn't be particularly useful...

I don't think I need any more features than are offered by EAC and Lame. I am just now starting to explore the Lame parameterizations... and have reached an impasse with trying to encode my audio books at a reasonable bitrate. Is it even possible to pass parameters to Lame through EAC that will persuade Lame to encode at bitrates lower than 96 KB/sec? I would prefer to encode audio books at something averaging about 64 KB/sec VBR, and cannot figure out how to do it.

If someone were to offer me a nice EAC command like --alt-preset VBR 64 %a %s %d but one that actually worked that would be nice. Maybe there's an "--alt-preset audiobook" command out there?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"