Sheesh... Forgot that a lot of people think Linux is where we all got our start in Unix. Sadly, until the fairly recent past, neither OpenOffice nor Star Office existed. Granted, StarOffice has been around longer than OpenOffice, but if you've ever used one of the early versions of StarOffice, you know Sun deserved a punch in the gut for even releasing it into the wild. You'd also be quite aware that StarOffice was, at best, sad when compared to MS Office. Or A Vic20. One that had a broken <shift> key.

That aside, I think my original point was missed; that Slashdot has, for the most part, become a haven for linux zealots who hate anything produced by Microsoft on sheer principal, without even giving it a chance, but they'll spend all day talking about a pathetic X-Box aquarium..I mean case-mod.

And I still believe in the right tool for the job. I don't use my Wintendo for graphics (with the exception of Photoshop) and I don't use the SGIs for word processing. It would kind of feel like using a Ferrari to plow the driveway...

So I suppose I am sadly misinformed; I figured everyone would be able to tell that the vi comment was humor. Though a certain secretary I know would be offended at the suggestion she would have any problems whatsoever with her fave editor....